Hey guys,
While Niseko is enjoying warm temperatures and a few rainy days, Australia and New Zealand snow fields have had a clear sky weekend. Thredbo had another great weekend with mid-temps and blue bird days with skiers and boarders enjoying a nice top layer provided by over 180 snow blowers. With all lifts in operation and the forecast for snow in the next few days those in Thredbo would be having a blast. Down in Victoria, Hotham also had a great weekend with some clear days. Back country is still not open but is scheduled for the 24th July. Over in New Zealand conditions on the weekend were fine with clear days and only Canterbury’s Cheesman and Porters resorts and North Canterbury’s Mt Lyford receiving snow.
Let’s hope the next week brings some great snow fall for both Australia and New Zealand for all the snow enthusiasts there.
Sayonara for now
~ Shaun and the Ramat Niseko Team